HFE / DyLight 405 /

Product Details
Conjugate DyLight 405
Target Species Mouse
Applications IHC-P, IHC
Supplier Novus Biologicals
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About HFE
The protein encoded by this gene is a membrane protein that is similar to MHC class I-type proteins and associates with beta2-microglobulin (beta2M). It is thought that this protein functions to regulate iron absorption by regulating the interaction of the transferrin receptor with transferrin. The iron storage disorder, hereditary haemochromatosis, is a recessive genetic disorder that results from defects in this gene. [provided by RefSeq, May 2022]
About DyLight 405
DyLight™ 405 has an excitation peak at 400 nm and an emission peak at 420 nm and is spectrally similar to Alexa Fluor™ 405 and Cascade Blue. DyLight™ 405 is most commonly used in flow cytometery and fluorescence microscopy applications.
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