DPPA2 / DyLight 405 / OTI1G10

Product Details
Description Mouse DPPA2 antibody [DyLight 405] reacts with Human, Rat, Canine
Conjugate DyLight 405
Clone OTI1G10
Target Species Canine, Human, Rat
Applications WB
Supplier Novus Biologicals
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About DPPA2
Predicted to enable chromatin binding activity. Predicted to be involved in system development. Predicted to act upstream of or within several processes, including lung-associated mesenchyme development; positive regulation of stem cell proliferation; and regulation of histone methylation. Located in nucleoplasm. [provided by Alliance of Genome Resources, Apr 2022]
About DyLight 405
DyLight™ 405 has an excitation peak at 400 nm and an emission peak at 420 nm and is spectrally similar to Alexa Fluor™ 405 and Cascade Blue. DyLight™ 405 is most commonly used in flow cytometery and fluorescence microscopy applications.
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179 DPPA2 antibodies from over 16 suppliers available with over 40 conjugates.

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