Laser Line586
Excitation Max606
Emission Max115000
Extinction CoefficientAbout LIVE ORANGE
abberior LIVE ORANGE mito is a fluorescent probe that specifically stains the cristae in mitochondria. Now, in combination with STED microscopy, these fine mitochondrial components become visible and can be investigate using this organic fluorophore. Due to the chemical structure of the mito-probe, repeated excitation with light over a long period of time is possible without generating toxic effects. This creates the possibility to observe the movement of mitochondria and their substructures through microscopic imaging. The probe can be combined with other fluorescent probes from our abberior LIVE series. This probe shows bright orange fluorescence, which can be effectively excited with a 561 nm laser. For STED, a depletion wavelength between 750 - 800 nm is recommended. This product contains 1 vial of abberior LIVE ORANGE mito as lyophilized powder, a stock solution of 1 mM in DMF or DMSO is recommended. Depending on cell type or tissue a working solution of 100 nM to 500 nM is advised.
Dyes similar to LIVE ORANGE based on emission
Check to add to spectra viewerATTO RHO101 ATTO Rho12 AccuOrange Alexa Fluor 568 BOBO-3 Brilliant Violet 605 CF575 CF583 CF583R CF594 CF594ST Calcium Crimson (Ca2+bound) California Red CellTracker Red Cardinal Red CoraLite 594 CyTRAK Orange DY-350XL Dyomics 590 Ethidium B. EvaRuby Flash Phalloidin Red 594 Hc Red HiLyte 594 Janelia Fluor 585 LIVE 590 LSS-mKate2 Live-or-Dye 594/614 Live/Dead Fix Orange Live/Dead Fix Red LysoBrite Deep Red MagDot 610 MemBrite Fix 594/615 MitoLite Red FX600 MultiDot 610 NovaFluor Blue 610 / 30S NovaFluor Blue 610 / 70S NovaFluor Yellow 610 PE-CF594 PE-Dazzle 594 PE-Dyomics 590 PE-Texas Red PE-eFluor 610 PhenoVue 578 Mitochondrial Stain PhenoVue Fluor 568 PhenoVue Fluor 594 PromoFluor 594 Qdot 605 RPE-CF583R ReadiLink 594-610 STAR 470SXP STAR 520SXP STAR 580 StarBright Blue 615 StarBright UltraViolet 605 StarBright Violet 610 StarBright Yellow 605 SuperBright 600 SuperNova v605 SureLight PE-594 Synapto Green TFAX 568 SE Texas Red VivaFix 583/603 X-Rhod-1 (Ca2+ bound) X-Rhod-5F (Ca2+ bound) eFluor 605NC eFluor 615 eVolve 605 iFluor 594 mCherry mRFP1 mRuby