Aliases: CAML1, CD171, HSAS, HSAS1, MASA, MIC5, N-CAM-L1, N-CAML1, NCAM-L1, S10, SPG1
Other: neural cell adhesion molecule L1|antigen identified by monoclonal antibody R1

The protein encoded by this gene is an axonal glycoprotein belonging to the immunoglobulin supergene family. The ectodomain, consisting of several immunoglobulin-like domains and fibronectin-like repeats (type III), is linked via a single transmembrane sequence to a conserved cytoplasmic domain. This cell adhesion molecule plays an important role in nervous system development, including neurona... see more

PerCP-eFluor 710

Common Laser: 488
Common Filter: 695/40
Excitation Peak: 482
Emission Peak: 710

PerCP-eFluor™ 710 (PerCP-eF710) is a red-emitting tandem fluorophore that combines PerCP and eF710. The donor molecule, PerCP can be excited by the 488-nm blue laser and and transfers energy to the acceptor molecule, eF710, which emitts light that can be captured with a 695/40 nm bandpass filter. PerCP-eF710 has an excitation peak at 482 nm and an emission peak at 710 nm, and is considered a sl... see more

Popular L1CAM PerCP-eFluor 710 Antibodies

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