Aliases: FLVI2/BMI1, PCGF4, RNF51, flvi-2/bmi-1
Other: polycomb complex protein BMI-1|B lymphoma Mo-MLV insertion region 1 homolog|BMI1 polycomb ring finger oncogene|BMI1 polycomb ring finger proto-oncogene|murine leukemia viral (bmi-1) oncogene homolog|polycomb group RING finger protein 4|polycomb group protein Bmi1|ring finger protein 51

This gene encodes a ring finger protein that is major component of the polycomb group complex 1 (PRC1). This complex functions through chromatin remodeling as an essential epigenetic repressor of multiple regulatory genes involved in embryonic development and self-renewal in somatic stem cells. This protein also plays a central role in DNA damage repair. This gene is an oncogene and aberrant ex... see more

eFluor 660

Common Laser: 628-640
Common Filter: 660/20
Excitation Peak: 633
Emission Peak: 669

eFluor™ 660 (eF660) from Thermo Fisher Scientific has an excitation peak at 633 nm and an emission peak at 669 nm. It is useful in fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry applications.

Popular BMI1 eFluor 660 Antibodies

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